Baviphat Apple Jelly Lip Scrub


I hope, this cute container is something you'll adore after tasted. But if it doesn't, well let me cheer you up by telling an idea about saving this tiny apple container for collections rather than throwing it away into a trash bag *kidding

size 6g

This tiny apple contains sugar, rice and apple extract. 

Honestly, I haven't paid too much attention for a such lip' treatment. Most of the time, I only used a lip balm for moisturizing, so I use this scrub only for several times. And its usually before take a bath :d 
What I see inside the pot is small beads, rough, a very general typed of scrubs. In advance, the texture looks like sugar and pounded rice mixing, very sticky. Smells like an apple juice, a very sweet taste, very sugar-y. 

I used this by giving gently massages, waiting for about 10 minutes and whip it off with tissue. While using this, I feel a lil bit annoyed of a very strong apple's fragrance, as strong as a kid's fruity shampoo or soap. >.< Well yes, it works for a minor treatment in reducing flaky lips, but I feel my lips drier afterward. So, I simply can get enough with this scrub idea, and continuing using a lip balm. 

Anyway, what I learnt about baviphat is the attractiveness of the container. Most of them are made from fruits, placed in a fruit pots, smell like fruits, and taste like a fruits. They also offers low price for each, you can have this apple for about 50k (more or less) by ordering online using google :) 

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  1. sis, pernah nyoba sleeping mask nya yg apple ga? apa wanginya sama? krn aku suka bgt sama wangi apel d sleeping mask nya itu <3

  2. Kalo yang apple sleeping mask nya kan wangi apel yang lebih lembut. Wangi apel yang lip scrubs ini rasa nya manis saaay. Wangi apel nya kuat seperti wangi apel merah, bukan apel ijo :p

  3. oh gt, pdhl kemasannya kan apel ijo ya haha... klo lip balm nya yg apple sis pernah coba ga?

  4. iya.. hahaha! apel ijo beraroma apel merah :D
    lip balm apple dari bavi blum nih say ^^ kamu udah pernah? bagaimana ntuh? bagus kah?


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